Access MVP (2010-2015)


Hide Duplicate Rows in Excel…

Last year when I was really starting to jump into exporting data to Excel I ran into an issue. I wanted the rows with duplicated data to only show the first row and hide the following rows… Conditional Formatting, right? So, why couldn’t I get what I wanted. When all else fails *Google* it! Which […]

 1,002 total views

Open Excel to specific Worksheet…

Function fncOpenSpecificWorksheet(strSheetName As String) ‘ ‘Open Excel to the specified Worksheet Dim xlApp As Object Dim xlWBk As Object Dim xlWSh As Object On Error GoTo Err_Handler Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlWBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\… ENTER YOUR PATH HERE") xlApp.Sheets(strSheetName).Select xlApp.Visible = True Set xlApp = Nothing Set xlWBk = Nothing Set xlWSh = Nothing […]

 730 total views

Trump Excel

Yep, another Excel link has been added to the Microsoft Excel Tips links on the left and what a site…

Third best website dedicated to Microsoft Excel! (Big *THANK YOU* to Sumit Bansal, Microsoft MVP (Excel) for dropping me a line). In addition to the great content on the site is a free eBook […]

 886 total views

Spreadsheeto Excel Made Easy

A new link has been added to the Microsoft Excel Tips links on the left and what a site…

Second best website dedicated to Microsoft Excel! (Big *THANK YOU* to Mikkel Sciegienny for dropping me a line). It has some really cool stuff like creating charts, easy drop downs, conditional formatting (and they make […]

 1,080 total views