Access MVP (2010-2015)


Queries really can’t do everything…

que-ry [kweer-ee] noun, plural que-ries verb, que-ried, que-rying

an inquiry a computer language used to make queries into databases and information systems A way to view a subset of information from one or more tables in a database Queries return records from one or more tables according to the parameters set in that query

However, […]

 871 total views

Count how many times a value appears in a table…

Ever want to…

Track how many times the Item has been returned for repairs Make sure the Item on the Packing Slip has a valid Return Authorization Make that Spare Part hasn’t already been used for another repair

For those times I use…

Place the below code in a Module remembering not to name the […]

 1,103 total views

Confirm record count after Excel import…

When importing records from Excel here’s a way you can let the User know they all made it.

Step 1… In your Import code include the UpdateUser() line…

Function ImportMySpreadsheet() Dim lngColumn As Long Dim xlx As Object Dim xlw As Object, xls As Object, xlc As Object Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim rst As […]

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