Access MVP (2010-2015)


Windows 10 my 2 cents worth…

I have been *playing* with Windows 10 for about a month and half now. Since then I have removed the ability to upgrade any other machine to Windows 10. Says a lot right? However, my reasons for not wanting to upgrade the other machines is not because there was any problem with the in-place upgrade, […]

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Where does she get those wonderful Toons?

Ron Leishman (c)

Every once in a while I get an eMail asking about the illustrations (clip art) used on my websites and my blogs. Well, it’s only the best illustrations I have found, to date, on the internet…! Digital Clipart by Ron Leishman.


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Every once in a while I check the links I list on my sites just to confirm they work. Today I got a real treat. I went to Bacon Bits Blog and found Wordle – Beautiful Word Clouds from which I created the above very cool graphic using this website for *word clouds*. You […]

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