Access MVP (2010-2015)


Print Constant Number of Lines (or Add a Constant Number of Lines)…

This topic comes up from time to time in Forums and the answer usually involves a Temp Table or adding blank records or digging up that Microsoft® Report Utilities, How to Print a Constant Number of Lines per Group, sample which involved adding the controls you wanted to *hide* to the Function.  I thought why not make […]

 725 total views

eMailing specific Reports to specific Recipients…

Question: Can anyone tell me how to eMail a report with content based data based on the individual?

Answer: Create a Module, name it anything you like except the name of the Function.

At the top of your Module under…

Option Compare Database Option Explicit


Public olApp As Object Public olNameSpace As Object Public […]

 899 total views

Export a Parameter Query to Excel…

It’s always tricky when you want export filtered data to Excel. You will get an error message if you put try to put the Forms Control in the Criteria section of the Query. Why? Because Access insists on having the value before it can execute the export and not from the Form but directly in […]

 705 total views

Adding *continued…* to a Multicolumn Report…

After seeing a post in a Forum asking about how to add the word *continued…* to a Multicolumn Report I thought it would be fun to create a sample database showing off the feature, to download click here (Access 2007 or above needed and an unzipping program. Images are not included!). And, of course, like […]

 1,386 total views