Continuous forms allow you to display data resembling an Excel spreadsheet. However, you can’t navigate a Continuous form like you do an Excel spreadsheet (much to your Users dismay), well, that is, not until now…
In your modUtilities copy/paste the below (If you don’t have a modUtilities create one. It’s a place to keep all your resusable code!)…
Sub NavigateRecords(KeyCode As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_handle Select Case KeyCode Case 38 '--Up Arrow-- DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acPrevious Case 40 '--Down Arrow-- DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext End Select Exit Sub Err_handle: Beep End Sub
In Design Mode of the Continuous form, on the KeyDown event of *each* control put Call NavigateRecords(KeyCode), see example below…
Private Sub cboActionID_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Call NavigateRecords(KeyCode)
End Sub
Go to Form View and now you can use the Arrow Keys on your keyboard to navigate your Form.
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