Access MVP (2010-2015)


When a Programmer wants cake…

Okay, so I want cake… Sounds simple enough, unless you’re a Programmer and you’re me! Okay, so what kind of cake…

Chocolate Cake Devil’s Food Cake Red Velvet Cake White Cake Yellow Cake Angel Food Cake Butter Cake Coffee Cake Oh, maybe a simple Pound Cake…

I think I’ll have a good, […]

 1,340 total views

Update database front ends…

Everyone who has split a database needs a way to update the Frontends. There are a few choices out there…

Tony’s Auto FE Updater BTAB Development Front-End Auto-Update Enabling Tool Automatically Deploy a New Access Client

…and here’s another one: In Backend (and this can be an SQL Server) create a table… tblVersionControlMaster vcmVersionControlID (PK, […]

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My Database Standards…

There is a discussion, *Database Standards when using outside Contractors*, in a group that I have been watching and it got me to thinking… While I have a set of standards (and a Model Database), I have not written them down. So every time I need to ask a Subcontractor to do some work for […]

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Site RElaunch…

Finally decided to clean up (and relaunch) my original site, I’m really getting into this website design. Nothing there about Access unless you’re looking for Consultanting Services.

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…to my Coffee Shop! And, is typical of Coffee Shops this is where I will ramble on about anything from Microsoft® Access to Zilch.

I am a Consultant specializing in Microsoft® Access solutions; however, there are plenty of blogs and websites (mine included) dedicated to Access… just take a look to the left […]

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