Access MVP (2010-2015)


Add your Report Name to Page Footer…

Put the TEXT box on the Report and in the Control Source put…


OR to get the Report Name and the Date/Time

=[Name] & " Printed on " & Now()

OR to get the Report Name and the Date

=[Name] & " Printed on " & Date()

…now if you change the Name of […]

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To Few Parameters Expected n…

…while using db.OpenRecordset with a Parameter…

Change this…

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“qryYourQuery”, dbOpenSnapshot)

To this, for TEXT… Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“SELECT * FROM qryYourQuery WHERE tblYourTable.ytYourField= ‘” & [Forms]![frmYourForm]![txtYourTextBoxOnForm] & “‘”)

Or, if your field is NUMERIC…

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“SELECT * FROM qryYourQuery WHERE tblYourTable.ytYourField = ” & [Forms]![frmYourForm]![txtYourTextBoxOnForm])

Or, if your field is […]

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So you’re ready to upsize…

Here are a few tips when upsizing tables to an SQL Server that I have picked up along the way…

Make a Back-Up of your Database… (added 7.26.2013)

Need I say more?

Just say *NO* to…

…Special Characters or Symbols

These characters have meaning when used in Access and on an SQL Server. While wrapping […]

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Happy New Years to me…

Once again, I’ve had the honour of being re-awarded the MVP Award for Access by Microsoft! Yippee and thank you!

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 794 total views