Put the TEXT box on the Report and in the Control Source put…
OR to get the Report Name and the Date/Time
=[Name] & " Printed on " & Now()
OR to get the Report Name and the Date
=[Name] & " Printed on " & Date()
…now if you change the Name of the Report you don’t have to worry about updating a LABEL, it will do it for you.
Courtesy of Bob Larson, Access MVP (2008, 2009 & 2011)
In addition, you can also add the RecordSource of your Report…
(This only works if you use a Naming Convention!)
='(Based on ' & IIf(Left([RecordSource],3)="tbl","Table","Query") & ': "' & [RecordSource] & '")'
And another way that takes more then just Tables and Queries into account…
Function ObjectType(Source As String) As String 'Courtesy of Hans V Access MVP from http://www.eileenslounge.com/ 'Posted in Microsoft Answers on 8.9.2013 http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-access/any-code-to-reference-source-of-report-ie-query/be4a9d5a-cf0f-4f0e-9b8b-01c89b26f70c Dim varType As Variant</strong> varType = DLookup("Type", "MSysObjects", "Name='" & Source & "'") If IsNull(varType) Then ObjectType = "Error!" Else Select Case varType Case 1, 4, 6 ObjectType = "Table" Case 5 ObjectType = "Query" Case Else ObjectType = "Other" End Select End If End Function
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