Access MVP (2010-2015)


Where’s the Cursor?

When tabbing between Controls on Forms and they contain text all the data within the Control is selected. This can be problematic as Users may inadvertently overwrite what is already there and not even realize it as they begin typing. To avoid that you can force the Cursor to land at the beginning or the […]

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Hide Duplicate Rows in Excel…

Last year when I was really starting to jump into exporting data to Excel I ran into an issue. I wanted the rows with duplicated data to only show the first row and hide the following rows… Conditional Formatting, right? So, why couldn’t I get what I wanted. When all else fails *Google* it! Which […]

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Open Excel to specific Worksheet…

Function fncOpenSpecificWorksheet(strSheetName As String) ‘ ‘Open Excel to the specified Worksheet Dim xlApp As Object Dim xlWBk As Object Dim xlWSh As Object On Error GoTo Err_Handler Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlWBk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\… ENTER YOUR PATH HERE") xlApp.Sheets(strSheetName).Select xlApp.Visible = True Set xlApp = Nothing Set xlWBk = Nothing Set xlWSh = Nothing […]

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Send eMail with Default (Outlook) Signature…

Question: How do I send eMail and include my Outlook signature?

Answer: Create a Module, name it anything you like except the name of the Function.

At the top of your Module under…

Option Compare Database Option Explicit


Function streMailWithOutlookSignature() ‘Works in Office 2000-2016 Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim strbody […]

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eMailing specific Reports to specific Recipients…

Question: Can anyone tell me how to eMail a report with content based data based on the individual?

Answer: Create a Module, name it anything you like except the name of the Function.

At the top of your Module under…

Option Compare Database Option Explicit


Public olApp As Object Public olNameSpace As Object Public […]

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