Access MVP (2010-2015)


Where’s the Cursor?

When tabbing between Controls on Forms and they contain text all the data within the Control is selected.  This can be problematic as Users may inadvertently overwrite what is already there and not even realize it as they begin typing.  To avoid that you can force the Cursor to land at the beginning or the end of the Control by using one of  the below Sub’s.  For example, for Controls where the Date is entered I prefer to have the User start at the beginning, however, if entering notes I put the Cursor at the end of the Control.

To put the Cursor at the beginning…

Sub sMoveCursorToStart()
On Error GoTo ClearIt
'Moves the cursor to the START of text in the control

     Dim ctl As Control
     Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
     If IsNull(ctl) Then Exit Sub
        ctl.SelStart = 0
     Exit Sub

End Sub

To use place the below in the On_Enter of the Control…

Me!YourControlName.EnterKeyBehavior = True


To put the Cursor at the end…

Sub sMoveCursorToEnd()
On Error GoTo ClearIt
'Moves the cursor to the END of text in the control
     Dim ctl As Control
     Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl

     If IsNull(ctl) Then Exit Sub
        ctl.SelStart = Len(ctl.Text)
     Exit Sub

End Sub

To use place the below in the On_Enter of the Control…

Me!YourControlName.EnterKeyBehavior = True

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