Access MVP (2010-2015)


Show Quarters Between Two Dates…

Interesting question in a Forum whereby the Poster wanted a list of the Quarters between two dates. While this request doesn’t come up often when it does there’s an answer…

While you *think* you could run this in one query it’s just not possible because in order for the query to provide the answer it […]

 903 total views

Export a Parameter Query to Excel…

It’s always tricky when you want export filtered data to Excel. You will get an error message if you put try to put the Forms Control in the Criteria section of the Query. Why? Because Access insists on having the value before it can execute the export and not from the Form but directly in […]

 668 total views

To Few Parameters Expected n…

…while using db.OpenRecordset with a Parameter…

Change this…

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“qryYourQuery”, dbOpenSnapshot)

To this, for TEXT… Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“SELECT * FROM qryYourQuery WHERE tblYourTable.ytYourField= ‘” & [Forms]![frmYourForm]![txtYourTextBoxOnForm] & “‘”)

Or, if your field is NUMERIC…

Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“SELECT * FROM qryYourQuery WHERE tblYourTable.ytYourField = ” & [Forms]![frmYourForm]![txtYourTextBoxOnForm])

Or, if your field is […]

 2,272 total views

Queries really can’t do everything…

que-ry [kweer-ee] noun, plural que-ries verb, que-ried, que-rying

an inquiry a computer language used to make queries into databases and information systems A way to view a subset of information from one or more tables in a database Queries return records from one or more tables according to the parameters set in that query

However, […]

 831 total views