Access MVP (2010-2015)


Road Courtesies…

Where I live driving is a neccessity, however, it does not mean you own the road! So, here’s my *gripe* about those folks that make me believe you really can get your license in the mail!

Your Turn Signal was not an option, every vehicle has one, use it! You may know where you […]

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Where does she get those wonderful Toons?

Ron Leishman (c)

Every once in a while I get an eMail asking about the illustrations (clip art) used on my websites and my blogs. Well, it’s only the best illustrations I have found, to date, on the internet…! Digital Clipart by Ron Leishman.


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Every once in a while I check the links I list on my sites just to confirm they work. Today I got a real treat. I went to Bacon Bits Blog and found Wordle – Beautiful Word Clouds from which I created the above very cool graphic using this website for *word clouds*. You […]

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Yes, I have an iPad…

…and before you get excited, no, I am not switching teams. I am a PC! And maybe I could have waited for the release of the Surface Pro (rumored to be Spring 2013) but I did not buy the iPad to develop on and I really wanted something somewhat quickly so I would not have […]

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