Access MVP (2010-2015)


Road Courtesies…

Where I live driving is a neccessity, however, it does not mean you own the road!  So, here’s my *gripe* about those folks that make me believe you really can get your license in the mail!


  1. Your Turn Signal was not an option, every vehicle has one, use it!  You may know where you are going but I don’t and..
  2. …for those of you who do use your Turn Signal it does not give you permission to just move over.  I’m on the road also and I like my car!
  3. Driving around with one (or more) head/rear lights out is a hazard.  Not just for you but for everyone else, we don’t know if that’s a car or a motorcycle we are passing.  Replace the bulb!
  4. The Speed Limit is not a suggestion, it’s the law, so, let’s stop running those who obey the posted limit off the road.
  5. A Muffler making that much noise on any vehicle is not cool at 1:00 AM or any other time.
  6. Your Car Radio/CD/DVD Player is for your enjoyment, turn it down.
  7. Throwing trash out the window is unacceptable.  Put a trash bag in your car or wait till you get home.
  8. Bluetooth, folks, bluetooth!  (In some states it’s a $500.00 fine to be using anything but Bluetooth.  That should be the fine in every state as far as I’m concerned!)
  9. Apparently, the *Don’t Text and Drive* hasn’t gotten thru to everyone!  Pull over to the side of the road if you must but, honestly, it can wait till you get someplace where you are not driving.  (Oh, and this also goes for you folks who think using their tablet/iPad/laptop isn’t as dangerous!)
  10. And finally, need I say more?

Well, those are my pet peeves, I’ll be stepping off my soap box now.

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