Ever want to…
- Track how many times the Item has been returned for repairs
- Make sure the Item on the Packing Slip has a valid Return Authorization
- Make that Spare Part hasn’t already been used for another repair
For those times I use…
Place the below code in a Module remembering not to name the Module the same as the Function. Mine is placed in modUtilities.
Function IDOccurs(strTable As String, lngID As Long) As Integer On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'From http://www.access-diva.com/vba12.html 'For numeric values</em></span> Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database Dim myQuery As String myQuery = "SELECT * FROM " & strTable & " WHERE lngMyID = " & lngID & ";" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(myQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges) rst.MoveFirst rst.MoveLast IDOccurs = rst.RecordCount Complete: Set rst = Nothing db.Close Set db = Nothing Exit Function ErrHandler: MsgBox ("Error:" & Err.Description) IDOccurs = True Resume Complete End Function
And here’s an example of its use… Note: UpdateUser() is shown below.
Private Sub UpdateUser (strField As String)
Dim strID As String Dim lngRecordIDs As Long If strField = "rID" Then Me.txtID.SetFocus strID = Me.txtID lngRecordIDs = IDOccurs("tblReceiving", CLng(strID)) Else lngRecordIDs = IDOccurrences("tblReceiving", "SerialNumber", strID) End If Select Case lngRecordIDs Case 0 lblUpdate.Caption = "Item has not been received." lblUpdate.ForeColor = vbRed Case 1 lblUpdate.Caption = "Item has been received 1 time." lblUpdate.ForeColor = vbBlack Case Else lblUpdate.Caption = "Item has been received " & Trim(Str(lngRecordIDs)) & " times!" lblUpdate.ForeColor = vbRed End Select
End Sub
Place the below code in a Module remembering not to name the Module the same as the Function. Mine is placed in modUtilities.
Function IDOccurrences(strTable As String, strField, strID As String) As Integer On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'From http://www.access-diva.com/vba12.html 'For string values Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database Dim myQuery As String myQuery = "SELECT * FROM " & strTable & " WHERE " & strField & " = '" & strID & "';" Set db = CurrentDb() Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(myQuery, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges) If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then rst.MoveLast rst.MoveFirst End If IDOccurrences = rst.RecordCount Complete: Set rst = Nothing db.Close Set db = Nothing Exit Function ErrHandler: MsgBox ("No occurences with that ID found!") IDOccurrences> = True Resume Complete End Function
And here’s an example of its use… Notice it is the the BeforeUpdate event of Serial Number. This is to capture the event while it’s being entered and before it’s commited to the table. Now, we can quickly Undo should the answer to the question be no.
Private Sub txtSerialNumber_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim intResp As Integer If IDOccurrences("tblReceiving", "rSerialNumber", Me.txtSerialNumber) = 1 Then Me.txtSerialNumber.ForeColor = RGB(193, 0, 0) DoCmd.OpenForm "frmViewUnit", , , "[rSerialNumber]='" & Me![txtSerialNumber] & "'", , acDialog intResp = MsgBox("Serial Number" & Me.txtSerialNumber & " already exists in Receiving table! Continue anyway?", " & _ vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Serial Number") If intResp = vbYes Then Me.txtSerialNumber.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) Else Cancel = True Me.Undo End If End If
End Sub
Here’s another sample of how I use UpdateUser() when the processing of data is going to take a few mintes. I can then let them know what’s going on so they don’t get over anxious with the mouse while waiting for the process to finish…
Private Sub UpdateUser(strMsg As String) lblUpdate.Caption = strMsg Me.Repaint DoEvents End Sub
dbSeeChanges only needed if you’re using tables linked to an SQL Server, otherwise you can omit.
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Actually, in this case, the *db.Close* does basically the same thing as *Set db = Nothing*, nothing (no pun intended) but close the connection to the current Recordset. However, I should note, in earlier versions of Access *db.Close* did sometimes cause problems in which case switching to *Set db = Nothing* was the only option.
And, no, you can’t close the database you’re in and, in fact, it will/does not close.
In your
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
You can’t close the current db. Should it not be
Set rst = Nothing
Set db = Nothing