Access MVP (2010-2015)


Navigate a Continuous Form like Excel…

Continuous forms allow you to display data resembling an Excel spreadsheet. However, you can’t navigate a Continuous form like you do an Excel spreadsheet (much to your Users dismay), well, that is, not until now…

In your modUtilities copy/paste the below (If you don’t have a modUtilities create one. It’s a place to keep all […]

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Saving changes is not permitted (SQL Server tables)…

You upsize your tables up to the SQL Server but you used some BIT fields and/or you want to make some other table changes. So, you navigate to the first table and uncheck the *Allow Nulls* for your BIT field and make your other adjustments and you go to Save. Instead of the table saving […]

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Circular Reference (well, kind of)…

You sat down to build your database and things were going great. You made a table for Members and one for Members Contacts. Only you now realize that the Members Contacts can also be Members. At first you think… that will be okay. But then you go to build your forms and realize this is […]

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.Tag, you’re it…

The .Tag Property, not to be confused with Smart Tags, of a Control is probably the most under used and confusing Property of all. So what do you do with it? Here’s some examples…

1. Use it to Lock bound Controls…

Dim ctl As Control Dim frm As Form For Each ctl In frm.Controls If […]

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Custom Navigation Buttons…

While Access provides Navigation Buttons, they must always be at the bottom of the Form. This does not work for my Form designs (Figure 1). Using the code below you can put your Navigation buttons where you want them AND avoid the *No Current Record* message that happens when the underlying recordset contains no records. […]

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